General terms

1. General provisions:

The Internet store available at the electronic address WWW.MINISTERSTWO.IO is run by BIELUŃ & BIELUŃ SP. Z O.O. filed in The Central Registry And Information On Business Of The Republic Of Poland (CEIDG), run by the Minister In Charge Of Economic Affairs, containing the address where business is conducted and the address for deliveries: UL.Sosnowa 6C, 71-468 Szczecin, TAX ID NUMBER (NIP) 8513223904, REGON 369533555, e-mail address: HELLO@MINISTERSTWO.IO

The following terms of use is directed at both consumers and to businesses using the Internet store, with the exception of §9 which is directed only towards businesses.

The Administrator of personal information communicated in connection with the execution of provisions of the following Terms Of Use is the service provider. Personal information is processed in keeping with the principles and goals indicated in the Privacy Policy, available on the Internet store page. One provides their own personal information of their own will. The service provider has the right access to see each person's personal information when provided, and the right to update and correct it.


Workdat – one day from Monday TO Friday, with the exception of state holidays.

Registration form - a form available on the Internet store for the purpose of opening an account.

Order form - electronic service, an interactive form available in the Internet store facilitating orders, specifically by placing products in the electronic basket and beginning the terms of the contract of sale, such as the type of shipping and payment.

Client - any one of the following who have or are going to conclude a contract of sale with the vendor:
(1) A physical person possessing full legal capacity and, in cases provided for in the appropriate regulations, also physical persons with limited legal capacity
(2) A juridical person
(3) An organization which does not possess legal personality, and which is the law provides legal capacity.

Civil law code - the law of the civil code, from 23 April 1964, (DZ.U. 1964 NR 16, POZ. 93 ZE ZM.)

Account - an electronic service with an individual identifier (login) and password provided by the recipient of services to the database in the ict system of the service provider, in which all personal data is gathered and saved, including information about previous orders in the Internet store.

Newsletter - an electronic service distributed and provided by the service provider through the use of electronic mail (e-mail), which allows all those who use the services to automatically receive cyclical editions of the newsletter from the service provider, including information about products, news, and promotions in the Internet store.

Product - a movable thing on sale in the Internet store, which is the object within the contract of sale between the client and vendor.

Terms of use – the following Terms of use of the Internet store.

Internet store – the service provider's Internet store is available at: WWW.MINISTERSTWO.IO

Vendor/service provider – BIELUŃ & BIELUŃ SP. Z O.O., filed in The Central Registry And Information On Business Of The Republic Of Poland (CEIDG), run by the Minister In Charge Of Economic Affairs, containing the address where business in conducted and the address for deliveries: UL. Sosnowa 6C, 71-468 Szczecin, TAX ID NUMBER (NIP) 8513223904, REGON 369533555, e-mail address: HELLO@MINISTERSTWO.IO

Contract of sale – contract of the sale of a product concluded or engaged between a client and a vendor through the medium of the Internet store.

Electronic service - a service provided electronically by the service provider for the service receiver through the Internet store service receiver – any one of the following who have or are going to conclude a contract of sale with the vendor:
(1) A physical person possessing full legal capacity and, in cases provided for in the appropriate regulations, also physical persons with limited legal capacity
(2) A juridical person
(3) An organization which does not possess legal personality, and which is the law provides legal capacity.

Law on consumer rights – Polish law of 30 May, 2014 on consumer rights (DZ.U. 2014 POZ. 827 ZE ZM.)

Order - statement of the will of the client submitted through the order form and beginning the contract of sale of a product with the vendor.

2. Electronic services in the Internet store

In the Internet store the following electronic services are available: account, order form, and newsletter.

Account - one can use the account after the service receiver completing the following three steps:
(1) Completion of the registration form,
(2) Clicking on the "Create an account" button
(3) Confirming your willingness to open an account by clicking through the link sending a confirmation email to the email address provided by the account holder.
In the registration form it is imperative that the service receiver provide the following information to the service provider:
Name and surname, email address and password.

An electronic service account is provided free of charge for an unspecified period of time. Service receiver has the ability, at any time and without reason to delete the account (delete account) by sending such a request to the service provider, specifically via email to: HELLO@MINISTERSTWO.IO.

Order form - using the order form begins at the moment when the client places their first product into the electronic basket in the Internet store. Submission of the order occurs after the client takes the following two steps:
(1) After completing the order form
(2) Clicks on the button "Order and pay" on the page of the Internet store after completing the order form – up to this moment the possivility exists to freely modify the data entered (to do this, one must follow the information provided on the page of the Internet store). In the order form it is imperative that the client provide the following data with regard to the client: name and surname, address (street, house/apartment number, postal code, city/town, country), email address, telephone number and data regarding the contract of sale, that is the products, number of products, place and method of shipping, and method of payment. In the case of clients who are not the consumers, it is required that the name of the company and TAX ID NUMBER (NIP) be provided.

The order form electronic service is provided free and has a single use character, ending with the moment of order submission through its instrumentation or at the moment of ceasing to submit the order through its instrumentation by the service receiver.

Newsletter - is provided free of charge for an unspecified period of time. The service receiver has the option to, at any moment and without reason, unsubscribe from the newsletter (resignation from newsletter) by sending the appropriate request to the service provider, specifically through the medium of email to HELLO@MINISTERSTWO.IO.

The technical specifications required to work with the telecommunications system which the service provider uses are:
(1) A computer, laptop or other multimedia equipment with Internet access
(2) Access to email
(3) An Internet browser: Mozilla Firefox version 17.0 or higher, or Internet Explorer version 10.0 or higher, Opera version 12.0 or higher, Google Chrome version 23.0 and higher, Safari version 5.0 and higher
(4) Recommended minimum screen resolution: 1024X768
(5) The ability to save cookies and Javascript.

The service receiver is required to use the Internet store in keeping with the law and common sense bearing in mind respect for the personal property, copyright amd intellectual property of the service provider and third persons. The service receiver is required to provide correct information. Providing false information is forbidden.

Complaints process:

Complaints are related to the provisions of the electronic services of the service provider and other returns are related with the functioning of the Internet store (with the exception of the procedures of returning a product, which is addressed in section 6 of the Terms of use). The service receiver can submit such a return to, for example:

- To the physical address: BIELUŃ & BIELUŃ SP. Z O.O., UL. Niemierzyńska 29A , 71-436 Szczecin, Poland

- Electronically through the use of electronic mail at: HELLO@MINISTERSTWO.IO;

Returns are submitted by the service receiver in the return description:
(1) Information and circumstances regarding the subject of return, in particular the type and date of the appearance of any improprieties
(2) Requests of the service receiver
(3) Contact information of the return submitter - this eases and speeds up the process of investigating the return by the service provider.
Required information in the previous sentence constitute only the form of the request and do not influence the results of the return process submitted regardless of the description of the return.

Attempts to return items through the service provider proceed immediately, no later that 14 calendar days from the day of its submission.

3. Conditions of entering into a contract of sale

The entering into of the contract of sale between the client and merchant takes place at the point the client submits an order through the order form in the Internet Store, in line with section 2.1.2 of the Terms of use.

The price of products visible on the Internet store is provided in Euro and include taxes (VAT). The client is informed about the total cost including taxes as a subject of the order, as well as the cost of shipping (including transport costs, delivert and postal services) and other costs - and when the costs of these fees cannot be determined, about the responsibility to pay them, on the Internet store during submission of the order, and also in the moment that the client consents to the contract of sale.

After submission of the order, the merchant immediately confirms receipt of it and simultaneously accepts the order for implementation followed by:
(1) Making the following Terms of use available
(2) Sending the client an email message which is descrived in section 3.3.2 of the Terms of use.
The contents of the contract of sale are also saved and secured in the information system of the merchant's Internet store.

4. Methods and terms of payment for product

The merchant provides the client the following methods of payment for the contract of sale:

For international clients:

Payment card
Google Pay
Bank transfer

Return of funds:

In the case of the necessity of return of funds for a transaction carried out by a client with a card, the seller returns funds to the bank account associated with the card of the purchaser.

5. Cost, methods and time period of delivery

Delivery of products is available on the territory of the Republic of Poland and the countries of the European Union.

  1. Delivery of products to the client is paid, unless otherwise stated in the contract of sale. Costs of delivery (including fees for transpo, delivery and postal fees) are presented to the client on the pages of the Internet store when submitting the order, also ath the moment when the client agrees to the terms of the contract of sale.
  2. The merchant provides the client with the following methods of delivery:


The time period of delivery of product to the client is up to 7 working days, unless otherwise stated in product description or during ordering a shorter term is stated. In the case of products with different delivery times, the delivery period is the longest given term which, however, cannot extend beyond 7 work days.

In the event that a package will need to be sent to a customer for a second time (if it is not received or is returned to the sender), and this occurrence is not the fault of the sender, then the customer is responsible for covering the cost of the sending the package again by the same method originally chosen.

In the subject line of the money transfer please include the following information: "Fee for sending the package a second time, order number...."

6. Product returns

The base and range of responsibilities of the merchant vis-a-vis the client, if a product is sold with a physical defects or legal (within warranty) universally acceoted legal statutes, in particular the civil law code. For contracts of sale conducted up to 24 December 2014 the base nad range of responsibilities of the merchant towards the client as a physical person who receives a product for personal use, on the basis of the fact that a product is not consistent with the contract of sale descrived under universally accepted legal statutes, in particular the law of 27 July 2002 on the specific conditions of consumer sale and amendment of the civil code (DZ.U. 2002 NR 141, POZ. 1176 ZE ZM.).

The merchant is obligated to deliver the product to the client without defects. Specific information regarding the responsibilities of the merchant vis-a-vis product defects and the rights of the client are outlined on the Internet store page in the section "Product returns.”

Returns can be submitted by the client for example:

-in writing to the address: BIELUŃ & BIELUŃ SP. Z O.O., ul. Niemierzyńska 29A, 71-436 Szczecin or electronically to the address: HELLO@MINISTERSTWO.IO;

In the return description the client must provide:
(1) Information and circumstances regarding the subject of return, in the particular the type and date of the appearance of a defect
(2) Request of the method to correct the product so that it meets the contract of sale or a request to lower the price or resign from the contract of sale
(3) Contact information of the person requesting a return - this eases and speeds up the process of returns for the merchant.
The above requirements are simply a form of request and do not affect the results of the submitted return, with the exception of the actual description of the return.

A client who executes such an action under warranty is required to return the product at the cost of the merchant to the address: BIELUŃ & BIELUŃ SP. Z O.O. ul. Niemierzyńska 29A, 71-436 Szczecin. If returning the product would be too difficult due to the type of product or its makeup, then the client is required to make the product available in the place where it is.

7. Extrajudicial methods of consideration for return and investigation of claims, and the rules for access to these procedures.

Detailed information regarding the possibility for clients as consumers to take advantage of extrajudicial methods of consideration for return and investigation of claims, as well as the rules for access to these procedures, are available in offices of, as well as the Internet pages of, local consumer groups, social organizations charged with consumer protections, provincial commercial inspectors and at the following addresses of the office for protection of competition and consumers: HTTP://WWW.UOKIK.GOV.PL/SPORY_KONSUMENCKIE.PHP; HTTP://WWW.UOKIK.GOV.PL/SPRAWY_INDYWIDUALNE.PHP, AND HTTP://WWW.UOKIK.GOV.PL/WAZNE_ADRESY.PHP.

The client as a consumer possesses the following exemplary possibilities to take advantage of extrajudicial conditions for return and investigation of claims:

The client has the right to call upon a permanent arbitral consumer court, which is based on article 37 of the law from 15 December 2000 on Commercial Inspection (DZ.U. 2001 NR 4 POZ. 25 ZE ZM.), with a petition for a resolution of the conflict stemming from the contract of sale. The regulations for the organization and functioning of the permanent arbitral consumer courts are explained in the decree of The Ministry Of Justice from 25 September 2001 specifying the regulations for the organization and functioning of permanent arbitral consumer courts. (DZ.U. 2001, NR 113, POZ. 1214)

The client has the right to call upon the provincial inspectorate for commercial inspection, in line with article 36 of the law from 15 December 2000 on Commercial Inspection (DZ.U. 2001 NR 4 POZ. 25 ZE ZM.), with a petition to begin a mediation process in the case of an end to arbitration between the client and merchant. Information on the subject of the rules and operation of the mediation process carried out by The Provincial Inspectorate For Commercial Inspection is available in the offices of and on the Internet pages of the appropriate Provincial Inspectorates For Commercial Inspection.

The client can receive help free of charge in order to resolve a conflict between a client and merchant, taking advantage thus of free help from the county (or city) representative for consumers (such as Federation of Consumers [Federacja Konsumentów], Union of Polish Consumers [Stowarzyszenie Konsumentów Polskich]). Advice can be given by the Federation of Consumers via email: PORADY@DLAKONSUMENTOW.PL, or by telephone from Union of Polish Consumers at: +48 800 889 866.

8. Right of withdrawal from a contract (applies to sales contracts concluded from 25 December 2014)

A consumer who has concluded a remote agreement may, within 14 calendar days of receiving the package, withdraw from this agreement without giving any reason. Products with a limited shelf life (bath bombs) or an item delivered in sealed packaging, which cannot be returned for health protection reasons or for hygienic reasons of the packaging was opened after delivery, cannot be subject to a withdrawal from a contract.

The right of return is only available to customers who are physical persons.

The right of return shall not be granted to legal entities and persons conducting business activity if the product was purchased for the needs of a company (legal entity, business).

To withdraw from the contract, the consumer may use the prepared template (download pdf) or write a statement in person and submit it:

1. In writing to: BIELUŃ & BIELUŃ SP. Z O.O. ul. Niemierzyńska 29A, 71-436 Szczecin, Poland

2. By scan, via e-mail to: HELLO@MINISTERSTWO.IO.

In the case of withdrawal from a contract concluded remotely, the contract shall be deemed not concluded.

The consumer is obliged to immediately, no later than 14 calendar days from the day on which he withdrew from the contract, return the product together with a receipt or other proof of purchase.

To meet the deadline, it is sufficient to return the product before its expiry date.

The consumer may return the product to the following address: BIELUŃ & BIELUŃ SP. Z O.O ul. Niemierzyńska 29A, 71-436 Szczecin, Poland

The seller is obliged to immediately, no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the consumer's declaration of withdrawal from the contract, return to the consumer all payments made by him, including the cost of delivery of the product.

The seller shall refund the payment using the same payment method used by the consumer.

The vendor may withhold return of payment received from the consumer until the product is received back or the consumer provides evidence of its return, whichever occurs first.

Possible costs related to the consumer's withdrawal from the contract, which the consumer is obliged to bear:

if the consumer has chosen a method of delivery of the product other than the cheapest usual method available in the online store, the seller is not obliged to reimburse the consumer for the additional costs incurred by the consumer.

9. Considerations concerning businesses

The following section of the Terms of use and considerations contained within concern only customers and recipients of service who are not consumers.

The vendor has the right to resign from the contract of sale entered into with a client who is not a consumer in the period of 14 calendar days from the day the contract began. Resignation from the contract of sale in this case can take place without explanation and does not cause any claim to arise from the side of the client, who is not a consumer, in relation to the vendor.

In the case of clients who are not consumer, the vendor has the right to limit the available methods of payment, and to also require pre-payment in part or in whole, independent from the chosen method of payment by the client and the fact of entering into the contract of sale.

From the moment the vendor hands over the product to a delivery service, advantages and burdens related with the product and potential to contingent loss or damage of the product. The vendor, in that case, is not responsible for the loss or damage of the product arising from delivery until the client receives it, and for delay in delivery of the package.

In the case of sending a product to the client through the medium of a delivery service, the client who is not a consumer is responsible for investigating the time and method the package was accepted, with packages of this type. If it turns out that in the time of delivery, damages have occurred to the product, the client is responsible for taking all steps necessary to establish the responsibility of the delivery service.

In keeping with art. 558 § 1 of the Civil Law Code, the vendor is not responsible for a warranty of the product towards a client who is not a consumer.

In the case of receivers of service who are not consumers, the service provider can resign from the contract providing an electronic service with immediate effect and without naming reasons vis-a-vis sending service receivers the appropriate declaration.

Responsibility of the service provider/vendor in relation to the service receiver/client who is not a consumer, without regard for its legal basis, is limited – both in terms of a single claim, and for all kinds of claims – to the amount paid and costs of deliver from the title of contract of sale, however, not more than the amount of one thousand polish zloty (PLN). The service provider/vendor is only responsible for typical damages expected in the moment of entering into the contract and does not carry responsibility for any losses in relation to a service receiver/client who is not a consumer.

All disagreements arising between the vendor/service provider and client/service receiver who is not a consumer are handed over to the appropriate court with regard to home office of the vendor/service provider.

10. Concluding considerations

Contracts concluded through the Internet store are incorporated in polish.

Changes in the Terms of use:

The service provider reserves the right to carry out changes to the Terms of use for important reasons, that is: changes in law; changes in methods of payment and delivery – in the area in which these changes influence the implementation of the considerations of the present Terms of use.

In the case of current contracts entered into on the basis of the present Terms of use (e.g. electronic services – account), the service receiver is bound to the changed Terms of use if the requirements outlined in art. 384 and 384
(1) of the Civil Code are met, that is, the service receiver was properly informed of the changes and did not resign from the contract within 14 calendar days from the date of receiving the information.
in a case in which a change of the Terms of use causes the introduction of any kind of new fees or a rise in current fees, then the service receiver who is a consumer has the right to resign from the contract.

In the case of contracts entered into on the basis of the current Terms of use of a different character than continuous contracts (e.g. contract of sale), changes to the Terms of use that will not in any way violate the rights vested in service receivers/clients who are consumers before the day that the changes in the Terms of use came into force, in particular changes to the Terms of use will not have any effect on orders already in process, as well as contracts of sale that are entered into, in process, or executed.

Issues that are not covered in the present terms of use are under the jurisdiction of universally binding provisions of polish law, in particular: the Civil Code; Legislation on Providing Electronic Services 18 July 2002 (dz.u. 2002 nr 144, poz. 1204 ze zm.); for contracts of sale entered into on or before 24 December 2014 with clients who are consumers – the provisions of the act on consumer rights’ protections as well as responsibility for damages inflicted by unsafe products from 2 March 2000 (dz.u. 2000 nr 22, poz. 271 ze zm.) as well as the act on specific conditions of consumer sale as well as changes to the civil code from 27 July 2002 (dz.u. 2002 nr 141, poz. 1176 ze zm.); for contracts of sale entered into from 25 December 2014 with clients who are consumers – the regulations of the act for consumer rights from 30 May 2014 (dz.u. 2014 r. poz. 827 ze zm.) as well as other appropriate regulations of universally binding law.

11. Sample form: resignation from contract

(This form should be filled out and sent only when one wishes to resign from contract)
- Addressor: BIELUŃ & BIELUŃ SP. Z O.O. ul. Niemierzyńska 29A, 71-436 Szczecin, Poland or HELLO@MINISTERSTWO.IO

– I/We(*), with the following letter, inform you that I/We(*) are resigning from the contract of sale of the following items(*), contract of delivery of the following items(*), work contract for the execution of the following things(*)/provision of the following services(*)

– date of entrance into the contract(*)/reception(*)

– first name and surname of the consumer/s(*)

– the address of the consumer/s (*)

– signature of the consumer/s(*)


(*)cross that which is not appropriate
